Welcome to the webpage of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellowship project PHOEBUS: PHOto-induced Energy flow in Bio-inspired molecular circuits probed with Ultrafast two-dimensional electronic Spectroscopy by Dr. Margherita Maiuri, funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Horizon 2020 Programme.
The project is supervised by Giulio Cerullo,
from the Physics Department of Politecnico di Milano,
and by Greg Scholes, from the Chemistry Department

Check out our latest news!
Our new paper out on PCCP
Bryan Kudish, Margherita Maiuri, Greg Scholes from Princeton University studied energy and electron transfer processes in an artificial dyad which mimic an artificial light harvesting complex.

2. Our work on polarization anisotropy in PDI tetramers has been accepted as poster contribution at UP 2016
In this work we time-resolve the energy transfer process in artificial light-harvesting PDI-based tetramers with femtosecond broadband pump-probe anisotropy. We resonantly excite and study the isotropic/anistotropic nuclear motions during the transfer.
1. Our work on High magnetic field and photosynthetic process has been accepted at UP 2016
In this work we explain how ultrafast coherences in photosynthetic algae proteins can be discriminated by using 25T-magnetic field coupled with a pump-probe apparatus. Electronic/vibronic coherences are modulated by the presence of the field, while vibrations are not perturbed.

What goes into the magnet?
Margherita Maiuri shared her research in a Q&A piece with the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory. Margherita uses a powerful high magnetic field to study algae and probe their light-harvesting and energy transfer systems.

Margherita Maiuri wins the ENI Award
Debut for Research
On 8 October it was held at the Quirinale the award ceremony of the winners of Eni Award 2015, in the presence of the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella. The Debut in Research Award went to Margherita Maiuri for the research project Ultrafast Energy and Electron Transfer Processes in Natural and Artificial Light-Harvesting Systems.

Welcome Luca!
Dr. Luca Moretti from Politecnico di Milano has been appointed as Visiting Postodoctoral Researcher in Greg Scholes group. His work will focus on artificial porphyrin arrays for light harvesting.

Solar energy is forecast to cover an important fraction of the world’s energy necessities over the next century. The energy captured from sunlight will be used to drive photovoltaic cells or to produce solar fuels, thus we have to learn how to harvest, transfer and store it efficiently. In this framework, PHOEBUS aims at providing the design of chemical structures (molecular circuits) that can control the flow of excitation energy.
The project focuses on bio-inspired molecular complexes, where several light-absorbing molecules are linked together to form antenna systems displaying ultrafast electronic energy transfer. We aim to identify and understand if coherent effects can direct, control, and optimize energy flow after photo-excitation. PHOEBUS will answer to the following questions: (i) does coherence radically change excitation transport compared to incoherent hopping of excitation? (ii) how can we design chemical structures that use coherence in light harvesting?
Multidimensional Coherent Spectroscopies (Two-dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy 2DES, Pump-probe) are ideal experimental tools to track energy transfer and unveil coherent couplings in multi-chromophoric complexes. 2DES in particular is at the frontier of ultrafast spectroscopy. The combination of femtosecond nonlinear spectroscopy, quantum chemical calculations, and chemical synthesis will contribute to the ultimate ambitious goal of improving the way artificial light-harvesting technologies are designed.
2DES is the elective tool for the experimental studies of this project, since it measures energy transfers and electronic couplings and coherences in multi-chromophore systems. Thanks to its main advantage of providing simultaneously high temporal and spectral resolution, it allows to disentangle spectrally congested features. In 2DES three consecutive incoming pulses impinge on a sample. This interaction creates a nonlinear polarization that emits a field from the sample. The emitted field can be fully resolved in amplitude and phase when it interferes with a fourth pulse (local oscillator). By Fourier-transforming signal processing one can retrieve a 2D spectrum as a function of excitation and detection frequency. The correlation 2D maps, function of excitation↔detection axes, allows to detect the energy flow dynamics, electronic couplings and coherences between excited states.
2DES is technically highly demanding, since it requires interferometric stability between pulse pairs, which need to be locked to within a small fraction of their carrier wavelengths. In 2DES experiment performed in the so-called photon eco configuration, the three pulses propagate along different directions and the signal is emitted along a fourth direction, defined by the phase-matching condition. The local oscillator interferes with the emitted polarization in the same direction.
Two-color 2DES experiments can be necessary to detect couplings between chromophores with widely separated transition energies. Due to difficulties in using the photon echo configuration for the two-color experiments, a partially collinear pump-probe geometry can be implemented, involving the use of pulse shaper or similar devices that guarantee high interferometric stability.


PHOEBUS focuses on biological and bio-inspired molecular circuits, where several light-absorbing molecules are linked together to form antenna systems displaying ultrafast electronic energy transfer.
The biological light-harvesting complexes under investigations are: the Fenna-Olson-Matthews (FMO)complex, isolated from a sulfur bacterium
the PC645 complex extracted from a cryptophyte marine algae.
The chemical systems comprises dyads/triads/tetramers made of porphyrins, phthalocyanine and perylene-based (PDI) molecules.


Tel: +1 609 532 6737
Tel: +39 392 3044827
Physics Dept.
Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32
20133 Milano, Italy

Our new paper out on Nature Chemistry
Margherita Maiuri, Evgeny Ostroumov and Greg Scholes from Princeton University, together with Bob Blankenship from Washington University observed coherent molecular vibrations in the photosynthetic FMO complex.